Saturday, June 16, 2007


"This is how it seems to me.... life is only therapy: Real expensive, and no guarantees." -Garth Brooks

Friday, June 15, 2007

Boys Don't Cry

One of my all time favorite movies is "Boys Don't Cry". For those of you who haven't seen it, I highly recommend checking it out. It features the fabulous Hilary Swank and various other actors and actresses who unfortunately do not share Hilary's fame, but an exceptional film nonetheless. (Ah yes, it does feature Becky from Roseanne, if you remember her.) At any rate, Hilary is a woman who has always related as a man and consequently lives her life as one, which goes swimmingly until she befriends a family in... perhaps rural Oklahoma? Texas?... and upon falling in love with one of the young women (who thinks Swank is a man), the girl's crazy male friends essentially make Swank's life hell. It's interesting and possesses much to learn, I think. At any rate, check it out.

So last weekend at Pitcher's, Darci and I experienced a true "Boys Don't Cry" moment. We were mesmerized, since we are both tremendous fans of the movie. If you view the movie, you will see in one of the opening scenes where a particularly intense moment happens between Swank and his future love interest during a karaoke display of "The Bluest Eyes in Texas". And I'll be damned if there wasn't a girl who looked exactly like Swank in the movie, karaoking some bizarre song I had never heard with a girl who oddly resembled the chick in the movie. The girl stayed on the stage and clutched her microphone with two hands, and the Swank look-alike stood on the floor off of the stage, and they gazed as each other lovingly throughout the whole song... very bizarre interactions, but SUCH a "Boys Don't Cry" moment.

OK, so maybe you had to be there, but it rivals as one of the most interesting Denver moments thus far. And since you aren't nearly as amazed as we were, at least this blog serves as an excellent plug for a quality movie. Check it out.

Will blog soon, from the new residence! Details to follow. :)

Monday, June 11, 2007


It has been quite a week in my world! We had so much going on. David Stollman came in from NY for a series of CAMUSPEAK-related discussions and meetings. Then on Thursday new speakers arrived for their big annual training sessions, so we were a little crazy preparing for all that needed to happen while they were in town. Everything came off just great but it was definitely crazy! They were an awesome group with great messages across the board, so I am excited to see what the year holds.

On Friday night, to celebrate the conclusion of the training sessions and just to get to spend some non-business related time together we all went out to dinner and then to a guitar show at the club below the restaurant. We had a good time, as some of the pictures will reflect, and then Darci, Alex, myself, and one of the new speakers, Kevin, went out afterwards to Pitchers for some karaoke. The night was overall lots of fun, aside from the shitbag in the bar who Darci caught taking pictures of my boobs with his cell phone (classy, and yet highly typical of my luck) and the brilliance in the parking lot who plowed into my car with hers as she attempted to pull into a parking spot (I know, I know, it's a seriously challenging maneuver). At that point I realized that I needed to just walk away before things went downhill anymore and we turned it in for the night.

Saturday I spent the day chillin with Kevin around Colorado- he decided to stay in Denver a few extra days just to look around and relax. We spent the morning walking around downtown and then had lunch at the Rio on the patio. The weather was beautiful so it was really nice, and we had some quality conversation and took in some cool sights. Then we drove down to Colorado Springs and up to Pike's Peak. I was pretty impressed with how the little Honda handled the trek, but she hung in there pretty well and only complained a few times, like when we got to the top of the mountain to find feet of snow and 30 degree temperatures with wind. (I didn't bl ame her- I was complaining at that point, too.) Anyway, on our way back down the mountain we came across a little wine tasting shop so we stopped and sampled some local wines that were quite enjoyable. It was a very nice day. :)

Now I need to head to bed because tomorrow will invariably be a day of insane catch up from Thursday and Friday out of the office. I'm tired just thinking about it. And on Friday, I move into my place. If all goes as planned, I will have my very own internet and I will be able to stop stealing my neighbor's. I'd like to think this stability will lead to an increase in blog posts, but I don't like to make promises I may not keep. Until next time...

Sunday, June 03, 2007

In bed with myself...

And my thoughts. And quite frankly, it is mighty damn crowded.

"The best cure for insomnia is a Monday morning." -Author Unknown

There are few things in life I hate more than not being able to sleep. Cottage cheese, for one. Oysters are another. And high gas prices.

But I digress. It's nearly midnight on Sunday, the day before my week of madness starts with all sorts of work commitments, on top of my impending move next week and just general madness in my world. I am unable to turn my mind off- it just keeps spinning, and spinning. I'm playing the "what if" game, and second-guessing everything I accomplished this weekend. "Well maybe I should have..." and "I wonder what would happen if I..." Seriously, I've spent about two hours on Facebook uploading five albums worth of pictures. Checked my personal email three times, and written two. Had a phone conversation, laid here and looked at the ceiling and the wall, and listened to Faith Hill's "Cry" album twice all the way through. Did some song lyric searching on google, read Post Secrets for this week, and did a little online banking. And still, I lay awake.

It's so funny how you can be wide awake at night, which would imply that you are not needing sleep, and then you are so damn tired in the morning you can't lift your head. Funny how you seem to need sleep far more in the morning hours than in the night ones. Not really funny "haha", but funny weird.

I guess it's back to laying in the darkness, mulling over everything I need to get done tomorrow... and Tuesday... and... Ah. The madness. I love the nights when you fall asleep the second your head hits the pillow. Let's hope for one of those tomorrow night... sweet dreams, all. And sorry for the brief venture into my insanity.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Remember Me?

OK, so I am well aware that it has been a while since I've updated the blog. I'm not good at this regular updates thing, but I'm trying. Swear. Life has been crazy.

Since I last posted, I had a fabulous trip home to Stafford for Cinco de Mayo. I stayed with one of my absolute best friends, Robin, and it was so good to get back there. I spent a sweet day in Charlottesville with my mom, dad, and sister where we shopped and caught up and even got to meet up with two of our awesome speakers, Shawn and Gwenn. I got out to Brock's and saw a lot of familiar faces, most importantly my best bud Kelly and my Rich, which felt so nice. All in all, it was a great trip. I love Robin, love her family, and it was so nice to just be around friends. Unfortunately, Robin and I both came down with some evil stomach virus of some type halfway through the trip and consequently we spent a lot of time on the couch and I didn't get to see a lot of my other friends. Sad, yes, but the Cinco de Mayo party was a blast nonetheless and I got to see Robin. There's a large void in my heart without her, so it was much needed.

Another weekend, my buddies from JMU, Russ and Nav, came out. We went into Denver for dinner and some bar hopping, during which they attempted to kill me with a mind eraser and the night was downhill from there. Great to see them, at any rate. :)

Last night Courtney and I went down to the Grizzly Rose for a Blake Shelton concert, which was pretty cool. He's decently sexy and I LOVE his newest song, "Don't Make Me", so it was cool to see him perform. Lots of excellent dancers at that bar, too, and we had a good time people watching.

Other than that, I've just been working hard and enjoying the beautiful weather in Denver. This time of year rocks. I was working in my office tonight (yes, on a Saturday night... I'm old and boring...) and I witnessed the most beautiful sunset of my life. Naturally, I took about twenty pictures, so I will post one of the best. It's amazing- Colorado is just gorgeous. I love it. This picture almost looks spiritual to me- it just looks like the heavens pouring down on the Rockies.. or like God is looking down over Denver. It gives me a feeling of peace, so it is now the wallpaper on my computer and I think I plan to print it and put it lots of places. :) Enjoy! (And I promise to try to be better about posting.)