Ah Halloween.
One of my very most favorite holidays. And why, Amy, are you sitting at home on Halloween evening, you ask? Because you most definitely know me, and typically I should be out galavanting about the bars of Denver wearing ass-less chaps and a cowboy hat, downing whiskey filled drinks that will invariably set me up for a miserable day tomorrow. But no. I am here. It's approximately -3892943 degrees outside, w hich is too cold for even me to wear a scantily clad ensemble outside of this living room. Furthermore, I have several projects going currently and a hectic week and a half ahead of me. So no, I am not bar-hopping tonight. Be proud, be very proud.
It has been a long while since I've updated. Just working, working, working. Busy, wonderful, awe-inspiring days at Campuspeak; busy, long, on-my-feet hours at J.Crew in the evening. By the time I get home around 10:30pm I pretty much crash out. No time for blogging, unfortunately. Very sad, I hope to improve upon this in the future.
So I need to get to work, but for those of you who are anxiously awaiting, I thought I would upload a few Halloween pictures from Saturday night. Brady is a porn star character with chest hair, I am the usual. We went downtown to some Irish bar our new friends from the Stampede rented out. Then we tried to do LoDo's, realized we were never going to get in, and hit the Martini Lounge.
Enjoy. You would expect no less. :)